What to Do for High Blood Pressure? - 120/Life

Apparently this stuff works - Mike M.


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My BP was 157/101... now it is 129/87 - Latasha G.


Seems to work... lowered my numbers by 7% - Scott L.


It is a life saver - Golda C.


I feel better, I have more energy - Alex Y.


My BP went down 10 points in 2 weeks - Lucy W.


I have only been drinking it for 2 weeks and my BP numbers have gone down - Elizabeth S.


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What to Do for High Blood Pressure?

by Susan Schachter August 12, 2019 2 min read

What to Do for High Blood Pressure? - 120/Life

High blood pressure can be a dangerous medical condition that can cause damage to your cardiovascular system. Every one in three people in the United States alone has high blood pressure, and this translates into billions of people around the world. It can increase your risks for a stroke or heart attack. If you've ever wondered, "why is my blood pressure high in the morning?" or "does high blood pressure cause headaches?" read on to better understand what you can do if you have high blood pressure

What To Do For High Blood Pressure?

1. Exercise

When you have high blood pressure, exercise is one of the best things you can do. It helps to make your heart stronger and more efficient when it comes to pumping blood. This reduces the pressure in your arteries.

Studies show that partaking in 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week like running can lower your blood pressure. Walking just 30 minutes a day is most medical professional's recommendation.

2. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking alcoholic beverages on a routine basis can cause your blood pressure to spike. This includes lower alcohol volumes and higher alcohol volumes. Studies show that drinking alcohol has links to roughly 16% of the high blood pressure cases around the world.

If you're a woman who drinks more than one drink a day or a man that drinks more than two drinks per day, cut back.

3. Reduce Your Salt Intake

There is a high amount of salt (sodium) in processed foods. Having a high amount of salt in your diet can cause issues with your arteries, and this can raise your blood pressure.

Several studies show links between a high amount of sodium in your diet and an increased risk of cardiac events like a stroke. If you have high blood pressure, it's worth it to reduce your salt intake and see if it makes a difference. Also, swap your processed foods for fresh ones whenever possible.

4. Manage Your Stress Levels

Can anxiety cause high blood pressure? Yes, it certainly can. Stress is one of the biggest sources of high blood pressure. When you have constant stress, your body stays in fight-or-flight mode. This increases your heart rate and constricts your blood vessels.

You can try to manage your stress levels by going to a short walk in a green space, cutting back on your hours, or listening to soothing music. It can help relax your entire system, and this can lead to lower blood pressure levels.

5. Eat Small Amounts of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a higher level of plant compounds called flavonoids. Flavonoids can cause your blood vessels to dilate, and this reduces the pressure from your cardiovascular system.

Eating a large amount probably isn't great for you health-wise, by eating a small amount every few days can help.

Contact 120/Life Today!

What to do for high blood pressure? We've outlined five quick tips that can help you safely and effectively lower it. If you'd like more tips or additional guidance, contact us. We're ready to answer any questions you may have and get you back on the path to lower blood pressure and a healthier life today!


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